Pandemic version of a 4K stereo AV composition for the ZKM Sound Dome
Zwischenraum – Akustische Kartographie is based on several cartographic documents in which Julia Jasmin Rommel has visualised different aspects of the interspace – the mental state we are in during the routine crossing of distance between places A and B. They address, among other things, transitions, restlessness and continuity, sense of orientation and change of direction, and are each documented by experimental but context-related criteria and methods. Space structuring elements such as tunnel and bridge crossings, counter-trains, flight booking data, curve angles of certain railway lines form the parameters of these movement protocols. These protocols are translated into sound using a IanniX graphical sequencer. In a sort of sonification the attempt is made to do justice both to the linearity of documented paths and to the map as a medium of overview. Rommel’s interest lies in the interface between reading signs and interpreting images, which is made possible by the transformation into sound.