The inclusion of elements from games and especially from computer games in audiovisual works offers many artistic opportunities but also challenges. Since February 2016, Marko Ciciliani has run an artistic research project at the IEM, the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. There, in collaboration with performer and artistic researcher Barbara Lüneburg and musicologist Andreas Pirchner, he has investigated various possibilities for utilising elements from games in the context of performance-based audiovisual works. The project is titled GAPPP, which stands for “Gamified Audiovisual Performance and Performance Practice”.
Since the start of the project, altogether 19 new works have been created which exemplify and investigate the inclusion of particular game elements in the context of interdisciplinary works that are staged in concert settings or as live installations. This masterclass will present examples of artistic works that have emerged in this project as well as the research findings.
Please send your application by 21 August 2020 to This masterclass is free of charge and is suitable for anyone generally interested in artistic research and new media art, and more specifically in audiovisual composition, computer music or computer games. A very basic understanding of these art forms is presupposed but no specialised knowledge is required.
Production: iMAL, osmo/za
Acknowledgements: Special thanks to iMAL and especially to Yves Bernard and Ana Ascencio for their incredible support.